
Queeny B. Bernice.


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What are the MUST HAVE!

Hey peeps, sorry, got reeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal lazy to blog. i know i know. alicia! 3-minutes heat? NONO! This is gonna last! i hope. LOL!

Okay, I'm really bored and has been wondering, what should i wear to school? Since school'd reopened, YOU and ME have to face one major problem, "what should i wear to school tmr?"!

Yes! I'm here to tell you guys what are the MUST HAVE for this season's school trend. (or any other seasons hopefully)

1) Pumps/Flats
I hereby tell you guys that the heel trend is OVER now. When a girl struts down the school with heels, she's either having presentation, or she's from china, or most probably, "Ms. Fashionista WANNABE" yes, wannabe. Why would i say that? It's school! Heels are too attention seeking. TOO. You want to be fashionable yet not too over the top in school, so please, do not wear heels walking around with like totalle over the top outfit. You can always wear your heels to town, it's more suitable there!
Anyway, flats are really the "IN" thing nowadays. You can match with shorts, to pull off the casual sporty chic look, or match it with leggings for the fashion hot babe look, or a cute little dress for a toned down princess look.

Be it denims or cotton... Shorts are MAJORLY ESSENTIAL! As you see, shorts are damn wonderful! You can match it with like most of the things! As for me, i have around 9 to 10 pair of shorts. Serious. Singapore's just too hot, you can't be possibly wearing jeans everyday to school! that's like a killer! And shorts are casual for school! Perfect choice!

3)Plenty of tee-shirts and Tank tops.
Yes, they are the basics. You need them. You can't be possibly wearing dressy tops everyday right? Yet, if you wear different designs of tee shirts and tank tops everyday, no one will recognise you if you repeat them! AWESOME!

So yea, these 3 items are the MUST HAVE. Invest plenty on them and you don't have to worry what to wear for school tmr!